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About Libby

Welcome to my website.  


I teach Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), lead drop-in guided mindfulness meditation sessions, and provide presentations to organizations

and businesses.


I have been practicing mindfulness since 1979 when I went to my first 7-day silent retreat at the Insight Meditation Society. I have practiced mindfulness ever since and continue to attend retreats whenever I can.


In 2001, I was offered the opportunity to take a week-long course on teaching MBSR from Jon Kabat-Zinn, who developed this model of learning mindfulness. Since then, I have pursued further advanced teacher training and am now a Certified MBSR Teacher. 


I started teaching in 2007 to colleagues in the UM Psychiatry Department. In 2010, I offered the course to the broader community, teaching MBSR almost every Fall, Winter, and Spring to a wide variety of individuals.


Teaching mindfulness is the most rewarding thing I've ever done. I learn so much from every class. Teaching reinforces my own practice, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge of cultivating gentle compassionate awareness of

the present moment.

   What is Mindfulness? 


is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally in the service of self-understanding and wisdom."

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Pebbles on the Sand

Registration is now open for the 2022 Winter and Spring classes. Both virtual (zoom) classes will meet on Saturdays from 2:00-4:30 and begin with a free Introduction. Dates are below.

We'll be teaching Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), in the Winter (January into early March) and in the Spring (April into early June). Both the Winter and Spring classes will meet on Saturday afternoons from 2:00 to 4:30. 


Research has found that practicing mindfulness appears helpful in coping with depression, anxiety, pain, stress, and other difficult aspects of life.


The classes begin with a free Introductory session, an opportunity to meet the teachers and other class members, learn what mindfulness is, experience some ways of cultivating mindfulness, and learn about the content and structure of the MBSR classes. The free Introductory sessions for the Winter class will Saturday, Jan. 15, 2:00-4:30. Please register with me (see below) and I'll send you the Zoom link. 


The Winter 8-week  class will run from Jan. 22 to March 19 from 2:00 to 4:30. The class includes a 4-hour retreat which will be on Saturday, March 5, from noon to 4 pm.  The course fee is $300 (scholarships & payment plans available).


I have been teaching Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction since 2007, have taught over 45 MBSR classes, and am a Certified MBSR teacher. My co-teacher for the Winter class is Pam Schweitzer, a psychiatric clinical nurse specialist with extensive experience in working with anxiety and depression; she is a Qualified MBSR teacher, having co-taught with me and taken teacher training classes at the Centre for Mindfulness Studies in Toronto. Barbaranne Branca is a board-certified neuropsychologist, with extensive meditation experience, and is a certified mindfulness teacher through the Kornfield/Brach Teacher Training Program. She will be sitting in on some of the Winter class sessions and will be co-teaching the Spring course. 


If you're interested in learning more about mindfulness and the classes, please contact Libby with any questions. The dates of the Spring class are on the flyer if you're interested. Download the class flyer here


Registration for the free Introductory session (Jan. 15) is necessary so I can send you the Zoom link. 


Registration for the 8-week classes requires filling out a Registration form, which I will email to you, and paying a deposit ($75). The full fee ($300) is requested by class #1 (Jan. 22). Scholarships and payment schedules can be negotiated.


All classes will be conducted via Zoom.

Man Sitting on a Bench


Libby Robinson, Ph.D., MSW, teaching both classes

Pam Schweitzer, PMHCNS-BC, co-teaching Winter class

Barbara Branca, Ph.D., ABN, co-teaching Spring class


Winter class:

Free Introductory session:

Saturday, Jan. 15, 2:00-4:30 pm

8-week Course

Saturdays, Jan. 22 to March 19, 2:00-4:30 pm


Saturday, March 5, noon to 4 pm

Spring class:

Free Introductory session:

Saturday, April 9, 2:00-4:30 pm

8-week Course

Saturdays, April 16 to June 18, 2:00-4:30 pm


Sunday, June 4, noon to 4 pm



Course fee: $300

Note:  CEs Available for Social Workers, for additional $100

Desert Stream
Preliminary Registration:
Please select one or more:

All classes will be conducted via Zoom.

Email me

Thank you for pre-registering.

The Zoom link will be sent before the Intro Session and the first of the 8-week class sessions.

Registration in the 8-week class requires filling out and submitting a Registration form, which I will email to you, and payment of a deposit. 



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