Mindfulness Meditation Teacher & Speaker

About Libby
Welcome to my website.
I teach Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), lead drop-in guided mindfulness meditation sessions, teach short practice-focused courses on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness and the Brahma Viharas, and provide presentations to organizations
and businesses.
I have been practicing mindfulness since 1979 when I went to my first 7-day silent retreat at the Insight Meditation Society. My perspectives on myself and my struggles shifted profoundly and I was better able to deal with difficulties when they arose. As I continued to practice, I experienced more equanimity and wisdom. I have practiced mindfulness ever since that first retreat and continue to practice on my own, in groups, and attend retreats whenever I can.
In 2001, I was offered the opportunity to take a week-long course on teaching MBSR from Jon Kabat-Zinn, who developed this model of learning mindfulness. Since then, I have pursued further advanced teacher training and am now a Certified MBSR Teacher.
I started teaching in 2007 to colleagues in the UM Psychiatry Department. In 2010, I offered the course to the broader community, teaching MBSR almost every Fall, Winter, and Spring to a wide variety of individuals.
I will now be teaching MBSR only in the fall, but I will offer short courses in winter and spring. This winter I will teach on Cultivating the Boundless Heart with the Brahmavijaras (kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity). See details below.
In the future, I'll offer a course on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. I'll post information on that class when it's scheduled.
Teaching mindfulness is the most rewarding thing I've ever done. I learn so much from every class. Teaching reinforces my own practice, and I enjoy sharing the practice of cultivating gentle compassionate awareness of
the present moment, just as it is, and as best we can.

What is Mindfulness?
is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally in the service of self-understanding and wisdom."
Jon Kabat-Zinn

This winter of 2025, I will offer a 6-week virtual course on Cultivating the Boundless Heart. The course focuses on practicing the four Brahmavijaras -- kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity -- to nourish the heart and support ourselves as we open it further, as best we can in our lives .
Details on my Winter 2025 class:
Cultivating the Boundless Heart, based on the four Brahmavijaras, Buddhist concepts from the Theravadan tradition. These four qualities are kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity. The course will focus on practicing these qualities, within the context of mindfulness practice, as well as presenting their conceptual background.
The class will be virtual, meeting every Saturday from 2:00-4:00, starting February 1 and ending on March 8.
I am recommending that class participants have some prior experience with mindfulness, as mindfulness will be ground these qualities in our direct experiences of them.
My teaching style is fairly informal, with lots of opportunities for discussion, interactions, and questions.
The course fee is $250 (scholarships & payment plans available). The class will include recordings of all guided meditations and relevant handouts.
​I have been teaching Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction since 2007, have taught over 60 MBSR classes, and am a Certified MBSR teacher from the UC-San Diego Center for Mindfulness. I have also received teacher trainings from the Univ. Mass Center for Mindfulness and the Toronto Centre for Mindfulness Studies.
I have been on many retreats with teachers who focused on Loving Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity, including Sharon Salzberg and Rebecca Bradshaw.
If you're interested, please contact me to answer questions, to register you, and to provide the Zoom link. You can contact me through this website (see link below) or via email (libbyrobinson7@gmail.com). ​
If you want to register for the 6-week class, I'll ask you to fill out a Registration Form, which I will email to you, and pay a deposit of $50 (refundable if you decide not to take the class). The deposit holds your spot in the class. The full fee is $250. Note: Scholarships and payment plans are available.

Libby Robinson, Ph.D., MSW, MPH
Winter 2025 class on Cultivating the Boundless Heart:
6-week Course
Saturdays, February 1 to March 8, 2:00-4:00 pm
Course fee: $250
Contact info:
libbyrobinson7@gmail.com or 734-476-3070.